hiking to the Grinnel Glacier and Lakes in Glacier National Park

This is one of the most popular hikes in the park. It starts at the north side of Swiftcurrent Lake, in a parking lot past the ranger station. This is also a ranger lead hike, but I don’t know where that starts.

I believe there is also another trail leaving from Many Glacier hotel that will take you there, but that trail is too long, it runs parallel to the Piegan Pass trail and you will miss some views. So, park the car and start hiking along the shore of the lake, with views of Many Glacier hotel. You will eventually reach Lake Josephine and that is where the trail starts gaining elevation. The climb is gentle and affords you excellent views of Lower Grinnel Lake on sunny days.


This is the view from the first couple of miles that you will hike if you don’t take the boat.


Don’t forget to turn around (although you will get another try on the way back).


The climb get stepper and now you are walking on rock steps, which I hate. There is something weird, a rest area that is like just 10 minutes from the top. I am thinking that this is a way force the tourist to rest, who knows.

At the top, the first thing to notice is Salamander Glacier on the side of the Garden Wall. If you have hiked the Highline Trail and went up to the Grinnel Glacier overlook, you will see it from here.


If you go early in the season, the top of the lake will still be frozen, but don’t step on it !!!


Don’t just stay at the beach next to the trail, continue hiking along the shore of the lake. You will see some social trails.

At some point you are going to reach a “danger” sign, which tells you to stop. Reason is that is the location of the drainage of the lake into the lakes below and depending on the water level you may not be able to cross it. And if you fail, then they will find what is left of you on the lake below. I took nice pictures just below the drainage.

Also, if you cross the drainage you can then reach the glacier. Again, that is dangerous.

On the way back, go ahead and take the side trail to the Lower Grinnel Glacier. That is the trail that people that use the boat use once they get off the boat. That lake has enough beach that you can rest on the beach and cool your feet with the lake water. There is also an outhouse on that trail.


hiking up the Swiftcurrent Pass trail and the lookout in Glacier National Park


hiking to the Triple Divide Pass in Glacier National Park